domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018



Although the town itself is particulary exciting, It´s difenitely attractive, and travelers on their way to Peru via the border town Macará find this a convenient place to stop. Loja is also the departure point for visiting Vilcabamba to the sounth, Zamora to the east and the beautiful Parque Nacional Podocarpus nearby. Also you can visited Saraguro.

Loja was founded by the Spanish captain Alonso de Mercadillo on December 8, 1548, meaning it´s one of the oldest towns in Ecuador. Although few of its original buildings survive, the city has some lovely 18th century architecture. Loja is both an important provincial capital and a college town, with two universities, a music conservatory and a law school.

domingo, 14 de enero de 2018



The most important Inca site in Ecuador, Ingapirca was built toward the end of the 15th century during the Inca expansion into present-day Ecuador. The site, 50 km nort of Cuenca, was built with the same mortarless, polished-stone technique used by the Inca in Peru. Although less impressive than site in Peru, it's definitely worth a visit. A guided tour explains the design and significance of the various ruins.

For an economical visit, catch a direct Transporte Cañar bus ($2.50 two hours) from Cuenca's  bus terminal at 9am or 12:20pm. Buses return to Cuenca at 1pm and 3:45pm. More frequent buses from Cuenca depart half-hourly to El Tambo, where you can catch an onward bus or taxi ($5) to Ingapirca, 8km further.

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017



This 288-sq-km lies about 30 km west of Cuenca and is famous for is many beautiful lakes well over 200 have been named, and there are countless smaller ponds, pools and puddles. There are trout in the lakes and fishing is permitted. The terrain is bleak and rough, and the lakes shine like jewels against the harsh country-side. It´s rugged hiking and camping country, much of it páramo (high Andean grasslands) at around 4000m above sea level. None of the area is above 4500m, so it doesn´t normally snow, although the winds and rains can make it very cold. Hikers and campers should be well prepared with warm, windproof gear and plenty of energy. Several readers have written to say that they underestimate the cold weather and had a very cold trip – bring protective clothing!

In sheltered hollows and natural depression of the terrain, small forests of the Polylepis (quenua) tree are seen. This tree grows at the highest altitudes of any tree in the world, and the quenua thickets provide welcome protection from the elements for all kinds of unusual plants and animals. Everything is on small, tightly packed scale, and forcing your way into one of these dense dwarf forests is like entering a scene from o Grimm fairytale.

Bird-watchers will have a great time looking for the many different species found on the lakes, in the quenua forests and in the surrounding páramo. These are the habitats of such evocatively named birds as the giant conebill, titlike dacnis and gray-breasted mountain toucan. A variety of exotically named hummingbirds can also be seen: the rainbow-bearded thornbill, sapphire-vented puffleg and purple-throated sunangel, just to name a few. Bring binoculars if you have them.

The Laguna Toreadora ranger station is on the northern side of Cajas, a few hundred meters from the park entrance. Just a few kilometers before the entrance, on the left, is a park information booth where you take advice free. Many guides will just drive past this booth. You can obtain better information at the ranger station.

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017



The centerpiece of Ecuador's most popular national park (admision $10) is the snowcapped and downright astonishing Volcan Cotopaxi (5897m), Ecuador´s second-highest peak. The park is almost desert midwwek, when nature freaks can have the breathtaking scenery nearly to themselves.

The park has a small museum, an information center, a refugio (climber's refujes) and some camping and picnicking areas.

sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017



Bumping along the espectacular dirt roads of the Quilotoa Loop and hiking between the area's Andean villages is one Ecuador´s most exhilarating adventures. Transportation is tricky but the rewards are abundant;highland markets, the breathtaking crater lake of Laguna Quilotoa, splendid hikes and traditional highland villages. Allow yourself at least three days for the loop and bring warm clothes (it gets painfully cold up here), water and snacks. If you're planning a multiday hike through the area, do yourself a favor and leave your heavy backpack in a guesthouse in Latacunga (carrying only the essentials).

miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017



The drive from Quito to Latacunga is magnificent in clear weather, Like a mammoth ice-cream cone. Cotopaxi looms to the left of the Panamericana as you travel south, and the two Ilinizas, also snowcapped, are on your rigth, Several other peaks are visible during the 90km drive, includind distant Chimborazo if you are lucky. On exceptionally clear days, nine of Ecuador´s 10 highest peaks can be seen.

Latacunga is the capital of Cotopaxi Province. Although not an exicting town, it has an interesting history and is a good base for several excellent excursions. The town´s name originates from the Indian words llacta cunari, which translate rather charmingly into "land of my choise." Latacunga became important colonial center immediately after the conquest, but today, there is little evidence of its long and varied history.

Cotopaxi, which dominates the town on a clear day, erupted violently in 1742 and destroyed the town, which was rebuilt, Another eruption 26 years later wiped it out again, but the indomitable (or foolhardy) survivors rebuilt it a second time. An Immense eruption i 1877 destroyed it a third time, and yet again it was rebuilt on the same site. At present, the volcano´s activity is minor, and it is unilikely that an eruption will occur within the next several years.